
In an effort to help make the English language as percise as possible and in so doing promote greater social harmony, because communication is the key to understanding, as every multi-racial social service non-profit has written into their mission statement, I give to you varying degrees of Wasted.
Buzzed- The effects of whatever choice intoxicant are beginning to permeate into the nervous system and exert a noticeable effect. This is not enough.
Lit- This is a state, qualitatively different than other degrees and not necessarily bound to a quantitative comparison with others', but this seems like about where it's at. You can still function pretty well. In fact one has the perception of functioning hyper-well. Objects seem to have a certain aura about them. That is coming from within. Also, one wants more of this. This leads to...
Shnookered-This is about where things might start going a bit downhill. I don't know the etymolygy of this term but the slurred "s" sound closely approximates the speech patterns produced from those residing within this state. This is taken as "free speaking", by the Shnookered advocate. In so pursuing more of this truth serum, one "pro"-gresses into...
Wasted- The Wasted person can feel a lack of bodily and mind control and just doesn't care. Dabblers of this condition can often be seen dancing in flailing irreverent gyrations, inspiring others to achieve the maximum potential within, getting very emotional about how much you love your first pet, and generally pursuing a Dionysian oblivion that will invariably lead to...
Hammered- Often greeted with a "Whoa!", Hammered is an aptly titled level of intoxicated that feels a bit as if one has been beat with a hammer. Not one of those metal framing hammers roofers use, but more like a big plastic clown hammer, a big plastic clown hammer that Bozo the Clown, Shakes the Clown, and John Wayne Gacey creep up behind you with and proceed to unleash on your wasted ass with the most stringent of beatdowns befitting one who would dare act like more of a clown than them. Of course one needs one or two more of whatever after this and so one becomes...
Annhialated- If you have come this far you are going for broke and so this is really just a transition phase on your way to...
Obliterated- Blackness envelopes the initiate like a napkin absorbing a spill- advancing along the periphery and then sousing through to the core. The mind-body splits as the mind makes clear to the body it is going to sleep and could the body please find a suitable area for repose. Occasionally this is the bed, more occasionally it is as the bathroom rug at a all night truck stop. If one has strong momentum when entering obliterated or one has the fortitude to endure through Obliterated than that Holy Grail of altered states, that rarest of conditions might be achieved...
Death- That great kegger in the sky where you'll be snortin' yay with Freud, poppin tabs with Leary, slammin' brandy with Bonham, and chasing it with speedballs with Belushi it's a wild hootnanny of a good time just don't go there before last call.
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