Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Chancellor of the Exchequor

As Wadsworth once said, "Is there anything finer in life than a new pair of socks?" Deflowering a virgin pair of the cotton embryos with my stank planks is like putting a pair of clouds on each ped. Especially when they are gifts. After that hopped in the car (take note of the ground lights) with Eastside Rico and Crazy Carl. It reminded me of Clutch's Spacegrass which I requested at the bar Judas or Sabbath Saturday. Don't know how I've missed this one up to now, but they got tons of metal on video. Some dudes in there were way into this band Bathory which is this Norwegian black metal band. There videos were frickin hilarious. There were a bunch of Vikings and Bathory was rockin their little black hearts out on top of a mountain. At the end someone even got smote (Don't get smote sucka!). They got their head all lobbed off in slow motion.


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