Rain Go Away

If you want to see more pictures and other redneck memorabilia such as the redneck deer hunter, redneck hot water, or the redneck palm pilot go to Alabama- or click here.
Nice weekend had here. Saturday it was on for doing some BBQin with the boys on the banks of the mighty Han. Got together Dirty Dave, Australian Al, and Tall Jordan. We all meet up, grab some beers, search around for ice, go to the meat market and get some meat and charcoal, go around the site a couple times in a taxi, figure out how to rent a grill, figure out where our site is, buy the rest of the accessories that the grill doesn't come with (apparantly the metal grill rack that the food rests on is an optional item for an additional charge), fiddle around with the coals, have some good samaritan come over and start the fire for us with his blowtorch (it only caught because I got them hot), and let the coals get hot. As this beautiful plan is fully coming into fruition the clouds gather overhead and the first drops of rain fall. Other less intrepid meat scorchers go for shelter. But the barbarians stay, determined to build a fire to outlast the rain. Perhaps the heat from the inferno dissipates the gathering moisture, perhaps God smiled down on his little carnivores that day, perhaps it was a passing drizzle that the wind sent on its way, but the sun popped out, we scarfed some mightily righteous burgers and ribs, listened to a drum festival and bbq'ed like the champions we are.
Been peeping all sorts of Ali G and Borat material. Borat kills when he sings the Kazakhstan national anthem for like 8 minutes at a baseball game. He basically out Yakov Smirnoff's Yakov Smirnoff. What a country!

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