Tuesday, July 04, 2006


A sort of curse placed on a person that makes them prey to large numbers of minor misfortunes and other forms of bad luck;
-This would be what happened when I called up Australian Al (shown here bungee jumping into the water with swan like grace) with the Australia- Italy game tied with 3 minutes in extra time saying "Go Aussie". Italy proceeded to score on a penalty kick within a minute.
-Or as I do a bitchin endo (known to some as the mule kick) on my bicycle and then am gently riding my bike only to have the derailer get all fucked up and a part snap off (actually this part snapped off as I was trying to force the derailer back into proper position). One of my least favorite sounds- SNAP!
Actually that's about all the bad luck I've had recently. Nothing to kill myself over. Maybe I'll write a song "The Walk Your Bike Home Blues".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

12:48 PM  

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