Monday, July 10, 2006

That Next Level Shit

In our never ending quest to bring you the latest in multimedia entertainment Cyberdiarrhea has acquired the Olympus SP 320 digital camera. Image Stabilization, an array of customized effects, a big screen LCD, 7.1 megapixels, and a doublebrock intake will do everything but give you a happy ending. Right away I started being "that guy" snapping pictures of everything, asking friends to "hold that pose just another second while I figure this button out."

One of the nice things about Seoul is the contrast between new and old buildings. These were right across the street from each other.

I prepped for a 6:30 rafting trip by "training" at the bar the night before.

The rafting was awesome. The scenery was nice. We got some swimming in. Everyone was having a good time. Our raft won the race. Everyone splashed each other all trip. Extreme.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

12:48 PM  

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