Sunday, May 20, 2007

Your laws don't apply to me

It seems like there haven't been a lot of recent laws introduced lately that have given me reason to get excited. However, two recent pieces of legislation have been introduced this month that seem substantial and progressive. The Free Flow of Information Act would help journalists protect their confidential sources by requiring lawyers to prove that having the sources divulged would be in the public's best interests. 32 states already have such legislation. There seems to have been a rise in the last few years of the government trying to use journalists to do their job. The free press is one of the only unbiased checks against government.
The immigration bill also finally does something about the hot issue that is relevant to anyone who's family came over to the states (everyone). It seems to give some good opportunities to people who want to put in some work to get in on the dream. Hey, tax 'em all.
Both pieces are bipartisan and thus sure to piss off people on both sides, to me a sign that the law is fair.


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