BigB's Top Ten T.V. shows he forgot and then just remembered

1.Rubix the Cube- I am very grateful to for verifying that this was not a flashback. Everyone I ever described this to was like "O.K. don't kill me now." This was about a walking talking rubix cube that ran around and did stuff (I think solved crimes). Also on the show was Menudo. That's right the Latin boy band that spawned Ricky Martin (he'll show them) also did... "stuff" with Rubix. Only on in 1983.
2.Benson-This black guy played some politician's butler. He constantly cracked jokes on him. The first "stick it to whitey" T.V. show.
3.The Snorks- The Smurfs underwater and cheaper cousins.
4.Count Duckula-I like his up all night worn out look on his face.
5.M.A.S.K.-Masked crusaders working overtime, Masked crusaders who will fight crime. Secret raiders who will neutralize as soon as they arrive at the site. Tracker's gonna lead the mission. And Spectrum's got such super vision. M-M-M-Mask!
6.Airwolf-Check out the names on this show: Stringfellow Hawke (nice e at the end), Dominic Santini, Michael "Archangel" Coldsmith Briggs III (meaning their were two previous Michael "Archangel" Coldsmith Briggs III's), and the actor Jan-Michael Vincent.
7.The Journey of Nattie Gann- Prepubescent Allyssa Milano shows the promise of what would earn her top billing in Poison Ivy 2 (not the acting). John Cusack plays his sneering at just being smacked in the face expression to the hilt. A poor man's White Fang.
8.The Greatest American Hero-Cool fro, cool song. I used to dream I was this guy. I could fly, but then I couldn't. It was so fucking frustrating because I knew I had just did it. Maybe if I just run really fast and then jump...
9.Rainbow Brite-My sister used to watch this show. That was the only reason I watched it I swear.
I know I told you top ten, but I have to go pick up my bike from the shop. Keep it lazy...
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omniriver said...
werd on numero eight. Flying seemed like the thing to do after watching that. I vaguely recall contemplating if soaring was possible... what i learned then is nolonger true now.
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