While doing research on the worldwideweb recently, I encountered everyone's favorite mature mom banger, the MILF-Hunter. He goes out with his camera crew, meets chicks, and seals the deal for your voyeuristic pleasure. But is M.H. really cold calling these broads? Is there really reason to head down to your local gym, pool deck, or tavern and expect the same smooth sailing from a few ill-concealed double entendre lines? Possibly, but maybe not because the MILF-Hunter does it.
On MILFy's website is the following disclaimer:
"12. All performers are given the opportunity to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases at no charge to themselves within a reasonable amount of time before their performance. All activity is arranged and discussed in advance of filming and every effort is made to insure the health and safety of the performers and to ensure that their performance is a pleasant and enjoyable experience."
This means that arrangements to meet and greet are made ahead of time, not at the supermarket check-out.
Also, unrelated to the Hunter's credibility, but noteworthy is this following law recently passed:
"The original records required pursuant to 18 U.S.C. section 2257 and 28 C.F.R. 75 for all materials contained in the website are kept by the following Custodian of Records:"
This law states that all performers in adult movies must list their name, age, address, and other personal information to be available at public request that would be a stalkers dream if he got ahold of this. Needless to say, not too many people are wild about their real names getting plastered along side their big bukake scene. Plausible deniability was much easier as "Candy".
So, like Santa or the Easter Bunny, have a great time, but don't let your bubble burst if the spurious antics of one enterprising guy with a camera aren't the real deal. Don't let it ruin your fun either, though.
Labels: hunting, MILFs