Monday, September 22, 2008

Hi Jinx

When a few co-workers didn't show for the office softball game this past Saturday it was decided a little chicanery needed to ensue. Desks and other furniture was switched amongst the four. Monday morning was a bit confusing for the lads as they wondered why they had new desks and where all their old stuff went.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


The last bastion of writer's block- writing about writing v.2.0- blogging about blogging.
1.How many are there? There are some wildly varying estimates- maybe 12 million U.S. blogs at 20% active. In fact, 60-80% are abandoned within one month.
Cyberdiarrhea found this insufficient so research was undertaken to obtain some more information. Using blogspots "Next Blog" search function I looked at 16 blogs (until I got bored). Some stats:
-6 were in English
-Average length of blog- 6 months
-Average posts per month- 13 (although this was heavily skewed by a Russian website with a crazy looking guy with many posts with scanned documents)
-Average posts per month with crazy Russian- 16
-Average posts per month without crazy Russian-8
-Average posts per month 3 months or less blog- 8
-Average posts per month 3 months or older- 8(There was a 10 month old-blog by an Italian lady with seemingly every meal she has made for the last month blogged for a 39/ month average pulling up the old-timers)
-Average posts per month 3 months or older minus Sophia- 4
The secret for longevity in the blogosphere? Slow and steady. Or insane fixation on one subject.


Friday, September 05, 2008

Don't Go Full Retard

One of these guys is thinking about the time Keith Moon got all wasted on pills at a concert and carted off the stage and someone in the audience filled in for him with the Who. This guy is continuing to play without noticing the other guy has stopped.

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Monday, September 01, 2008

The folk sound

Been trying to dig through some Alan Lomax recordings lately. He was a musician and recorder of music throughout the 20th century in America and beyond, who contributed over 10,000(!) recordings and interviews to the Library of Congress. He often travelled to rural locales and through his recordings gave an audience to many performers of blues, folk, bluegrass, and other traditional music who otherwise most likely would not have been heard beyond their own local area. His knowledge of early music was so encyclopedic that he worked with Carl Sagan as a consultant for the record sent to space to represent earth's music to any aliens with a record player and some groove.

Where to start with some of his recordings? With so many, I haven't yet begun to scratch the surface. But I have so far liked his southern recordings and prison songs.