Friday, September 29, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006
Don't call it a comeback

I still rmember the starting lineup of the '84 Tigers that went on to win it all on a game stealing homerun by Gibby off Goose Gossage. You got Larry Herndon, Chet Lemon (who performed the first over the wall catch to rob someone of a homerun), and Kirk Gibson in the outfield. Howard Johnson, Allan Trammell, Sweet Lou Whitaker, and Dave Bergman from left to right in the infield. Darrell Evans DH'n. At the 1, 2 I'm putting Jack Morris and Lance Parrish with Willie Hernandez coming in to close (O.K. I did forget HoJo at 3rd, but that's pretty good for 20 years later). Looking at their stats that year I was surprised to see only Trammell squeaking above .300 (.314) and their best ERA with Petry in the 3's. The secret? Solid defense, especially up the middle and 5 starters with ERA's in the 3's. Go Tige's.
Phi Krappa Zappa

We were at the restaurant the other night and the owner brings 0ut this electronic tennis racket and does a couple swings in the air. I am intrigued at this high-tech gadgetry and ask him in my broken Korean "What?" To which he replies in fluent Korean... something. I take it and turn it on and am trying to figure out how it works. Maybe it makes different ball sounds when you swing it. A couple of practice shots show me that is not the case. I think maybe it makes a noise when something hits the racket so I touch the head... Kkkrrrzzzzzwww and a flash of blue light! It is a bug zapper and my finger has just simulated the path of an errant mosquito. Everyone is laughing and I hand it back to dude. The picture of Frank on the right? A zapper and a Zappa.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Shouldn't you be praying or something

Doesn't the pope look like that old grandpa from the 'Burbs?
Alright forgive Cyberdiarrhea for getting overtly political for a minute, but the Muslims have just about played themselves out in my opinion.
From yahoonews "Pope Benedict said Sunday that he is "deeply sorry" his remarks on Islam and violence offended Muslims, but the unusual expression of papal regret drew a mixed reaction from Islamic leaders as the Vatican worried about a backlash of violence." The dude said he's sorry. Get over it. Stop being pissed about cartoons. The reason people pick on you is because you are laughable. You take yourselves way too seriously. Your religion is a bunch of laws. The reason there are so many suicide bombers is because their lives suck! They can't booze, whore, listen to rock 'n roll, or even grow Tom Selleck moustaches. No wonder they're taking numbers at the bomb vest factory.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Get a job, hippies!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
BigB's Top Ten T.V. shows he forgot and then just remembered

1.Rubix the Cube- I am very grateful to for verifying that this was not a flashback. Everyone I ever described this to was like "O.K. don't kill me now." This was about a walking talking rubix cube that ran around and did stuff (I think solved crimes). Also on the show was Menudo. That's right the Latin boy band that spawned Ricky Martin (he'll show them) also did... "stuff" with Rubix. Only on in 1983.
2.Benson-This black guy played some politician's butler. He constantly cracked jokes on him. The first "stick it to whitey" T.V. show.
3.The Snorks- The Smurfs underwater and cheaper cousins.
4.Count Duckula-I like his up all night worn out look on his face.
5.M.A.S.K.-Masked crusaders working overtime, Masked crusaders who will fight crime. Secret raiders who will neutralize as soon as they arrive at the site. Tracker's gonna lead the mission. And Spectrum's got such super vision. M-M-M-Mask!
6.Airwolf-Check out the names on this show: Stringfellow Hawke (nice e at the end), Dominic Santini, Michael "Archangel" Coldsmith Briggs III (meaning their were two previous Michael "Archangel" Coldsmith Briggs III's), and the actor Jan-Michael Vincent.
7.The Journey of Nattie Gann- Prepubescent Allyssa Milano shows the promise of what would earn her top billing in Poison Ivy 2 (not the acting). John Cusack plays his sneering at just being smacked in the face expression to the hilt. A poor man's White Fang.
8.The Greatest American Hero-Cool fro, cool song. I used to dream I was this guy. I could fly, but then I couldn't. It was so fucking frustrating because I knew I had just did it. Maybe if I just run really fast and then jump...
9.Rainbow Brite-My sister used to watch this show. That was the only reason I watched it I swear.
I know I told you top ten, but I have to go pick up my bike from the shop. Keep it lazy...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Kick 'em in the balls
It seems like the little things that you just take for granted are some of the differences I've noticed in Korea: -when Koreans count with their fingers they start with fingers out and tuck them in versus the way I've usually seen where people flick the fingers out; -in malls and on the street people often walk on the left. I understand that is based on tradition; -the wave goes in a counter clockwise fashion at sporting events. I can't explain the reasons for these things. That's just the way it is.

-hey guys can I slap my meat on your grill?

-Sad little Red Devils

Summer camp

Greetings from camp. Thanks for the self-addressed stamped envelopes, or as the post office callse them, S.A.S.E. Also, thanks for writing my initials on the tags of all my clothes. When little Johnny Taylor tried to put on my underwear 'cuz he was too lazy to do his laundry I totally grabbed the tag and then showed him it was BS not JT. They I totally gave him a wedgie. It may have even reached atomic wedgie proportions. It's not like I want them back after his dirty butt has been on them. Anyway, we have been having quiet evenings usually around the fire where one of the counselors will break out the guitar and we all get a little sing-a-long going. I don't think "Dust in the Wind" could ever get old. The food is gross. The cook thinks that calling the Kool-Aid "bug juice" will make it sound rustic, but really he's just a cheap bastard who doesn't put enough sugar in it. Anyway, looking forward to seeing you all soon. Oh yeah, could you send some money before mid-break. I think a couple hundred should cover it.
Your happy little camper

Since the dawn of civilization man has quested for more efficient methods for consuming his beer.
Some items I've bonged beers (I'm keeping it real and calling it bonging- funneling sounds too scientific for such an sloppy enterprise) with:
-a bong
-a fish aquarium pump I told people was a penis pump
-a tent rooftop
-a birthday party hat